Note legali

Note legali

1. Presentation of the internet site

Pursuant to the provisions of articles 6-III and 19 of French Law No. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, the so-called LCEN, we would draw the following information to the attention of users of and visitors to the internet site:

Legal information
Statute of the owner: Company Prefix: SAS (simplified joint-stock company)

Company name: MISS BLADE

Address: 10 rue Bertin Poirée, F-75001 Paris

Tel: +33 1 70 69 04 88

With Share Capital of: € 9,125,000

SIRET No.: 8310 8749 9000 16

Trade and Companies Register (RCS) PARIS: 831 087 499

Intracommunity VAT number: FR20831087499 E

lectronic mail address:

The Publication Director is: Cécile Sandral Lasbordes

Contact the Publication Director:

The Webmaster is: Agence Mashvp Contact the Webmaster:

Website hosting is by: OVH, 2 rue Kellermann F-59100 Roubaix

2. Description of the services provided

The purpose of the website is to provide information regarding the full range of activities of the company. The owner of the website endeavours to provide the website with information which is as accurate as possible. However, it cannot be held liable for omissions, inaccuracies and deficiencies in updates, whether they are its own fault or the fault of the third-party partners that provide such information. Any and all information provided on the website is given as a guideline only, is non-exhaustive and is likely to change. It is given subject to modifications applied since its being published online.

3. Intellectual property and counterfeiting

The owner of the website is the owner of the intellectual property rights, or holds the rights of use over all items accessible on the website, in particular the texts, images, graphics, logo, icons, sounds, software, etc. Any and all reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adaptation of items from the website, in whole or in part, regardless of the method or process used, is prohibited, unless prior written authorisation is obtained by email: Any and all unauthorised use of the website or of any one of those items that it contains shall be deemed as constituting an act of counterfeiting and prosecuted pursuant to the provisions of articles L.335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.

4. Hypertext links and cookies

The website contains a certain number of hypertext links to other websites (business partners, information, etc.) put in place with the permission of the owner of the website. However, the owner of the website is not in a position to be able to check the content of websites thus visited and therefore declines any and all liability as to any risk of illicit content. The user is informed that, during his or her visits to the website, one or more cookies are likely to be automatically installed on his or her computer. A cookie is a small file that does not permit identification of the user but records information regarding a computer’s browsing behaviour on a website. Data thus obtained aims to facilitate subsequent browsing on the website and is also intended to enable various measurements regarding visits to the website.
The settings of the browser software make it possible to inform the user of the presence of cookies and, should he or she so wish, to refuse their use in the manner described at the following address: Refusal to allow a cookie to be installed may render it impossible to access certain services. The user may, however, configure his or her computer in the following manner to refuse the installation of cookies: In Internet Explorer: tool tab / internet options. Click on Confidentiality and select Block all cookies. Confirm by pressing OK. In Netscape: edit tab / preferences. Click on Advanced and select Deactivate cookies. Confirm by pressing OK.
> Consult our policy on cookies 

5. Protection of property and persons – management of personal data

User: Internet user connecting to and using the aforementioned website: In France, personal data is protected by French Law No. 78-87 of 6 January 1978, French Law No. 2004-801 of 6 August 2004, article L. 226-13 of the French Criminal Code and the European Directive of 24 October 1995.
On the website, the owner of the website gathers personal information on the user solely for the needs of certain services provided by the website The user provides such information knowingly, particularly where he or she enters it him- or herself. The user of the website is then informed of the obligation to provide such information or to refuse it.
Pursuant to the provisions of articles 38 et seq. of French Law 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on Data Processing, Data Files and Individual Liberties, all users have the right to access, rectify, delete and object to personal data concerning them. To exercise such right, send your request to, by email: or by submitting your signed request in writing, accompanied by a copy of proof of identity with the signature of the holder of the document, stipulating the address to which the reply must be sent.
No personal data concerning the user of the website is published, exchanged, transferred, handed over or sold to third parties, unbeknownst to the user, in any medium whatsoever.
Only a scenario in which the website and the rights pertaining thereto are purchased from the owner would permit the transmission of aforesaid data to a buyer who would, in turn, be under the same obligations of retention and modification of data in respect of the user of the website The website is in full compliance with the GRDP.
The databases are protected by the provisions of the French Law of 1 July 1998 transposing European Directive 96/9 of 11 March 1996 on the legal protection of databases.

Credits Design: Cakedesign

Production of the website: Mashvp

Photos: Jérôme Galland / Quentin Carnicelli