
When he was younger, thanks to some particularly well-designed places, Laurent Taïeb understood the subtle power of transformation of a place on a person through a number of “indirect” emotions. Since then, accompanied by his collaborators, he has continually refined his knowledge of emotional flows and mechanisms to better build the theatricality of his spaces. The companies of the Laurent Taïeb group today take back its codes and values so special to the French entrepreneur.


Within the Laurent Taïeb Group, we take the high ground of a discourse of truth, in line with the economic reality of today’s life and that of our professions. Working with us can be the first step in a social elevator that we still believe in. In this way, we are committed to encouraging genuine gender diversity; to promoting equity between men and women; to valuing the symmetry of attention between those given to employees and those given to clients; to give priority to internal promotion and to face up to the problems of working communities.
To join us is to bet on success, to believe in a certain human fiber.
Join us : carriere@toohotel.com